My work seeks to collapse the static and hierarchical boundaries conventionally inserted between performance and documentation, by activating a dynamic and symbiotic exchange between the two. I am interested in the slippage between the layers of representation traditionally involved in performance - choreographic score, live act and video recording - slippage that offers the possibility of activating a latent agency residing in the language of the medium specific to each.

Starting from an understanding of art as discourse and queer as necessarily political, I seek to deconstruct binary notions of gender and sexuality, their attendant hierarchies and the institutionalised, oppressive morality to which they give rise. Men are sometimes not physically present in my quirky and inventive narratives, their presence instead felt through an absence from situations requiring their involvement, such as pregnancy. My work subverts dominant narrative/s by, for example, engaging the absurd, featuring situations often inhabited by animals or representations of animals, employing the mediums of drawing, film, performance, painting and installation. Humanity’s quest for universal truths is regarded as the wellspring of this absurdity. This is revealed through references to the activity of non-human creatures apparently not compelled to chase this hopeless cause, such as a chicken or an octopus, or those who in death are relieved of its burdens, such as a dead friend. Whereas this quest is thought to elevate humans above other animals, its futility seems to contradict the proposition of any such hierarchy.